Hymn in the Breviary for Vespers and Matins

Hymn in the Breviary for Vespers and Matins (about the 6th century)

Jesus, Redeemer of all, born of
the high Father before light was
made, equal to him in glory.

Thou light and splendour of the
Father, eternal hope of all, hear the
prayers thy servants throughout
the world make to thee.

Remember, maker of all things,
thou once didst take our form, born
in the holy Virgin's womb.

This day as it comes each year,
bears witness that thou once didst
go forth from the Father to be the
world's salvation.

Thee, author of new redemption,
do stars, earth and sea, do all things
under heaven with a new song pru-

And we, whom thy precious blood
has washed, on thy birthday bring
the homage of our hymns to thee.

Jesus, born of the Virgin, glory to
thee, with the Father and the Holy
Ghost, for all ages.
